Vikas and his Family’s Kashmir Sojourn with Thrillophilia: A Tale to Remember

Vikas and his Family’s Kashmir Sojourn with Thrillophilia:  A Tale to Remember

Vikas Awasthi, a businessman from Lucknow, often used to wonder why  Kashmir is often called "Paradise on Earth” and what made this place so special.

Usually caught up in work with barely any time for adventures, Vikas finally decided it was time to explore this paradise for himself. So, he took the leap and booked a Kashmir family package with Thrillophilia.

And…what they experienced was nothing short of magical!

The Golden Meadows
The moment they landed in Srinagar, it was as if they had entered a different realm. The Mughal Gardens—Nishat Bagh and Shalimar Bagh—sprawled before them like a page out of history. Flowers everywhere, trees towering, the Zabarwan hills standing tall in the background.

"Are we dreaming?" his daughter whispered, almost afraid to blink. It sure felt like one.

From the get-go, Thrillophilia had their back. No hiccups, no last-minute chaos. Just seamless travel. The kids were ecstatic, running about, gathering fallen petals and whispering secrets to the flowers. Vikas and his wife, on the other hand, took in the peace—something so rare in their daily grind.

Later, a stroll by Dal Lake added the perfect ending to the day. The setting sun and its golden hues shimmering on the water set the perfect tone.

Ah, what a start! Next up was Sonamarg. And they embarked on this day trip with excitement bubbling over.

"Dad, look at those horses!" his son exclaimed.

Indeed, the horses were grazing freely in the meadows. They stopped, took pictures, and for a moment, it felt like they had travelled back in time to a simpler, quieter world.

The adventure kicked up a notch with a horse ride to Thajiwas Glacier. A glacier, pristine and white, in the middle of summer: seeing all of this, the kids were beyond thrilled. They built a snowman, threw snowballs, and laughed until their cheeks were red from the cold. Vikas couldn't help but join in. It was a day of pure joy, simple yet profound.

And just when they thought it couldn't get better, they went white water rafting. Now, Vikas wasn’t one for such thrills, but he went along, swept by his family's enthusiasm. The icy waters roared around them, and every rapid was met with a chorus of laughter and screams.

But the best was yet to come…

Floating Above a Snow Globe
Day three brought them to Gulmarg. And, the Gondola Ride—Asia's highest—was actually the HIGHLIGHT here.

"Are you sure this is safe?" his wife asked with a  mix of excitement and nervousness.

But the kids were already in line, dragging their parents along. As the cable car rose, the landscape unfolded beneath them like a snow-covered dream. Peaks stretched out to the horizon, and it felt like they were floating above the world.

Vikas watched as his children pressed their faces against the glass, eyes wide with wonder.

"It's like we're in a snow globe," his daughter said, her voice filled with awe. And it did feel like - suspended in a world of white and blue, everything silent and still.

Then came skiing.

None of them had ever skied before, but that didn’t stop them. They geared up, took a few wobbly practice runs, and before long, they were gliding down the slopes—some more gracefully than others.

"Dad, you are a natural!" his son laughed, and Vikas beamed, despite the few tumbles he took.

The Epic Houseboat Experience
Vikas and his family’s journey continued and this time to Pahalgam, the valley of shepherds.

Every turn on the road revealed a new view, each more beautiful than the last. Aru Valley was their first stop—a peaceful spot where the river sang and the trees whispered secrets in the wind. Vikas and his wife sat by the riverbank, watching their kids play.

Next came Betaab Valley. This place was like a slice of heaven on Earth. The Lidder River meandered through the valley, its waters so clear you could see the pebbles on the bottom. The kids skipped stones, their laughter blending with the sound of the flowing river.

Chandanwari was the final adventure for the day. Known for its snow bridge, it was a hit with the kids. They carefully crossed it, feeling the snow crunch under their boots.

Their last night was reserved for something truly special—a stay on a houseboat. Dal Lake, with its quiet waters and the reflections of the surrounding mountains, offered the perfect setting.

"This is THE life," Vikas thought as they settled into their cosy quarters.

The Shikara ride that followed was nothing short of magical. The kids were fascinated by the floating market, while Vikas and his wife simply soaked in the tranquillity. The sun dipped behind the mountains, casting a golden glow across the lake. It was as if time had slowed down, allowing them to savour every second.

Some Goodbyes are Hard
All too soon, their Kashmir adventure was drawing to a close. On their last morning, they awoke to the sight of the snow-capped peaks one last time.

"Can we come back next year?" his daughter asked, a hopeful glint in her eyes. Vikas smiled. He knew they would be back.

Thrillophilia had crafted an experience that was nothing short of perfect. From start to finish, every detail was in place, every moment curated for maximum enjoyment. Vikas was already thinking about their next journey, confident that with Thrillophilia, it would be just as amazing.

Kashmir had given them more than just scenic views. As they left, a piece of their hearts stayed behind, nestled in the valleys and peaks of this paradise. And in their minds, they carried the memories—priceless, unforgettable, forever etched in their souls.

Read More: Thrillophilia Kashmir Reviews