Cradled by Peaks, Kissed by Valleys: Parveen’s Kashmir Trip Review with Thrillophilia

Cradled by Peaks, Kissed by Valleys: Parveen’s Kashmir Trip Review with Thrillophilia

“Gar firdaus, ruhe zamin ast, hamin asto, hamin asto, hamin ast.”

(If there is a paradise on Earth, it is here, it is here, it is here.)

2nd April, Sunday | Pahalgam, Kashmir

Parveen Kumar stood on the snowy slopes of Pahalgam, the sound of this famous saying ringing in his ears like a soft echo.

The world around him was a serene white, with the peaks of the Himalayas stretching into the distance. His wife was smiling as she watched their kids run ahead, their excited laughter piercing through the cold air.

"Can you believe we're in heaven?" Parveen’s wife asked, her voice filled with awe. She had repeated the question every morning since they arrived, as though still coming to terms with the sheer beauty of Kashmir.

Parveen smiled, entirely lost in deep thought.

Flashback: Three Months Ago | Office Cafeteria

The Cafeteria was bustling with the usual chatter when Prakash’s friend walked over to him , holding two cups of chai. Placing one in front of Parveen, he leaned in conspiratorially.

“ We need a vacation,” he said with kind-of mischievous eyes.

Parveen chuckled. “Tell me something I don’t know! But where would we go?”

“Kashmir,” he declared with a bit of dramatic flair, as if he’d just secretly revealed a hidden treasure.

“Kashmir?!” Parveen repeated. His mind immediately conjured up images of the famous valleys, houseboats, and mountains he'd only seen in photographs and Bollywood movies.

“Yeah, just think about it: our families, us- Gulmarg, Dal Lake, Pahalgam. Come on! It'll be perfect.”

Present:  2nd April, Sunday | Pahalgam:

After two days of exploring Srinagar and Sonmarg, the group arrived at Pahalgam, ready for a new adventure. The scenic drive through pine forests had everyone in awe, but it was Baisaran Valley, also known as "Mini Switzerland," that took their breath away.

As they walked through the valley, the children ran ahead to explore, and the adults took in the beauty of their surroundings. The group spotted a small stream flowing through the valley and decided to dip their toes in the water.

"It's freezing, beyond imagination!" Parveen’s wife shouted, giggling as she quickly pulled her feet out.

The ladies collected wildflowers as they walked, while the gentlemen lagged behind, their camera capturing every moment. Then, they all sat on a large rock, watching the children play and talking about the simple joys of life.

Their journey towards Betaab Valley had a cinematic charm to it, not just because of its connection to Bollywood, but because of the way the landscape seemed too perfect to be real.

Parveen couldn’t help but think of his parents who, when he was young, had often spoken of visiting Kashmir. They never made it, and now, standing in the valley that looked like something out of a storybook, he felt a bittersweet mix of emotions. This was the trip his family deserved- a legacy he could carry forward for generations to come.

3rd April, Monday | Gulmarg

The group was now deep into their snow adventure in Gulmarg. The gondola they had just stepped out of slowly disappeared into the clouds above. The children had rented sleds and were happily sliding down the hill. The adults, not to be left behind, joined in the fun with a mix of laughter and shouts echoing across the snow-clad expanse.

One of Parveen’s friends, who normally kept a low profile at work, was now racing his son on a sled. His wife was recording everything on her phone, laughing at the sight of her otherwise-serious husband behaving like a kid.

“Parveen, you have to try this!” his other friend called out as he slid past, sending snow flying everywhere.

Parveen, always up for some fun, jumped on a sled. For a moment, as the cold wind hit his face, everything else melted away- the stress of work, the routines of daily life. All that mattered was the here and now, the laughter of his friends, the joy in his family’s eyes, and the snow-covered beauty of Gulmarg.

5th April, Wednesday | Dal Lake, Srinagar

The houseboat on Dal Lake rocked gently as Parveen and the group gathered for their evening Kahwa. The cool breeze carried the scent of fresh flowers and water lilies from the floating gardens nearby.

The kids in the group were mesmerized by the shikaras drifting by, and struggled to get enough of the vibrant colors on the still waters of the lake.

“This is beautiful,” Praksh’s wife whispered, sitting beside him on the deck. “The calm of the lake, the colors, the mountains… no wonder they call this place heaven on earth.” And, they all snapped photos with their phones, already planning to flood the social media with pictures from the trip.

And just then, Parveen’s colleague, pulled out his phone and started playing the iconic Kashmiri song from the film Roja:

"Yeh Haseen Vadiyan, Yeh Khula Aasmaan..."

The melody perfectly complemented the setting sun, the orange hues reflecting off the water and the far, far off peaks.

6th April,Thursday | The Return Journey

The van was filled with a different kind of silence as they made their way back home. The trip had come to an end, but the memories would stay with them forever.

Parveen looked around at the sleeping faces of his family and friends. Kashmir had given them more than just a break from work; it had given them a renewed sense of joy, adventure, and closeness.

He leaned back and whispered once more:

“Gar firdaus, ruhe zamin ast, hamin asto, hamin asto, hamin ast.”

(If there is a paradise on Earth, it is here, it is here, it is here.)

And for Parveen Kumar, his family, and friends, it truly was.

Read more: Thrillophilia Kashmir Reviews