Rekindling Friendships: Nikita’s Epic Reunion Trip to Meghalaya with Thrillophilia

Rekindling Friendships: Nikita’s Epic Reunion Trip to Meghalaya with Thrillophilia

No one will ever tell you but growing up and actually turning into an adult is difficult. You get busy with your work, you have real responsibilities and you start prioritising what you need over what you truly want.

Like how I really want to stay in my hometown and close to my loved ones. But, here I am, living miles away from my home due to work. I miss everyone, my home, my family and especially, my best friend.

It had been over a year since I had met her. I missed the good old days when we used to go to school together, get punished for our mischievousness and share our tiffins. Reflecting back on those memories, stirs a deep ache in my heart and brings tears to my eyes.

The Reunion Plan
Looking at our old photos together, I decided to give her a call. Over the call, I shared that I was missing home and everyone else. To this, she calmed me down and knowing me well, said the exact right words that I needed to hear.

“You know what you need? You need a break! Remember how we always used to talk about going to Meghalaya. I think this is the sign, let’s plan and go.”

She was right. I wanted a break and more than that I needed to see my best friend. I knew it was an escape I needed so I said yes without thinking any further.

From the moment I started planning for this trip, all my worries vanished and I kept giggling like a little girl. After a long time, I was excited for something. How could I not be? Afterall, I was meeting my best friend after almost a year!

Even during the flight, I couldn’t stop checking the time, counting every minute and thinking about the long-awaited reunion. Time flew by in the blink of an eye as I engrossed myself in the breathtaking views from the window.

Exploring the Beauty of Cherrapunji Together!
I arrived at Guwahati Airport when I heard someone scream, “Nikita!”

I turned back and there she was, my best friend, racing towards me, dodging everyone coming in her way. And she jumped on me, almost making both of us fall down in the middle of the airport lounge.

I hugged her back, as tight as I could. That moment, all my sadness and loneliness vanished away in a second. After a long session of hugging and crying, we were more than excited to start our journey and make this reunion the most memorable.

Meghalaya is an astounding destination, full of pristine natural beauty. However, if you ask me the highlight of the trip – then it was definitely Cherrapunji for me. It has some of the most amazing natural wonders that will leave you speechless.

One such stunning place was Wei Sawdong Falls which was situated amidst lush greenery and complete serenity. We enjoyed a refreshing swim there, cherished our childhood memories, met other travellers and took a lot of pictures.

A fascinating fact was that Cherrapunji has not just one, not two, but several breathtaking waterfalls. Luckily, we could cover more than just one like Nohkalikai Falls and Seven Sisters’ Falls.

Another one of the gorgeous natural wonders was the Mawsmai and Arwah Caves. We had a really fun time exploring the caves, admiring the unique rock formations and venturing into the dark. We even became friends with other travellers of our group during this cave exploration activity.

Reconnecting Through Adventure!
The best feeling was when my best friend and I were trekking through the Double Decker Root Bridge.

Undoubtedly, the trek was tiring but we had so much fun, giggling and racing with each other. I believe we were the same old kids again who used to run after each other in the school.

In between, there were slippery trails as it was raining heavily so both of us held each other's hands tightly, making sure the other one didn't fall. Exactly how both of us are always there for each other in the hardest of times.

After a 2 hour trek to the bridge, we finally reached it and it was stunning. Never in my life had I seen something so beautiful and unique with my own eyes. It was truly a natural wonder and worth every hype. We sat there for quite a while to catch our breaths, regain our strengths and to soak in the mesmerising views around us.

By this time, I had forgotten all about my worldly concerns and I found myself completely at peace!

Farewell – but Not Goodbye!
Gasping for air and with shaky legs, we finally reached our last destination- Laitlum Canyons.

Can you believe Meghalaya also has a canyon? I mean, is there anything that this stunning destination doesn’t have?

We found the perfect vantage point to sit and relax, away from the rest of the group. We were tired but also there was a tint of sadness in our heart, knowing that this was the last day of our trip. After this, we would have to go our separate ways and it was killing me from the inside.

I was quiet, admiring the tranquil ambiance around me. Cutting through my wandering thoughts, she breaks the silence and says, “You know, this is where the ‘Rock On’ movie was shot.”

I replied, “What are the odds, huh? It was a movie about the reunion of friends and this is also our reunion….not for long though! We’ll have to go back tomorrow.”

To lighten up my mood as usual, she added, “So, what do you say, let’s leave our work and start our music band like Aditya in the movie.”

I couldn’t help but laugh and said, “Start a music band…? Have you ever heard yourself singing?”

The conversation continued for long as if both of us were trying to make the most of our last moments together, hoping for our next reunion to be sooner this time.

Read More: Thrillophilia Meghalaya Reviews