Steps of Solitude: Kumaresh's Thrillophilia Review for Brahmatal Trek

Steps of Solitude: Kumaresh's Thrillophilia Review for Brahmatal Trek

'The world is a book, and those who do not travel read only one page.' - Saint Augustine

I didn't want to be the one who read just one page, I wanted to memorize it all. The only problem was that I didn't know where to start. So I dived into the ocean of possibilities across the pages of Google and eventually finalized one destination - The Himalayas.

I've always felt a strange pull towards the mountains, it was as if they've always called out to me, whispering promises of self-discovery and adventure in my ears now and then. After a little more research, I got to know about the Brahmatal Trek - and that was it! It felt like such a beautiful combination of exploration and adventure.

With my bags packed and my heart full of excitement, I boarded a train to Dehradun, ready to embrace the charm of the Himalayas.

Moments by the Frozen Lake

One of the most memorable experiences for me was when I trekked from Lohajung to Bekaltal. The beauty of the trail was something out of this world - lush green landscapes, clear blue skies, and mountains all around. As I walked, I could feel the weight of my routine life vanishing, and getting replaced by a sense of peace and calm.

“Is this what freedom feels like?” I thought to myself, smiling at how it had already started changing my perspectives towards life.

As soon as I reached Bekaltal with the group, I was struck by the magical views of a frozen lake. The lake seemed as if it had turned into a canvas for nature to draw on - it’s beautiful how nature can pause time to create the perfect masterpiece. I settled down by the lakeside and just kept admiring it for several minutes. A fellow trekker soon joined me, and we got into a conversation.

“I can't believe what I'd been missing out on until I came here,” she remarked.

“It feels magical,” I replied, feeling an instant bonding with her.

As the sun started to go down, it covered the sky in shades of yellow and orange. A freezing gush of wind suddenly brought me back to my senses- I felt so lucky to be sitting there, even though it took me a while to finally pull off my first solo adventure.

After a while, the stars began to twinkle in the clear skies, and I immediately reached out for my phone to click a picture. But it turned out to be one of those moments that technology just can't capture.

Nature has a weird way of grounding humans, through its majestic and vast landscapes, it reminds us of the simple joys in life.

From Exhaustion to Exhilaration

The highlight of my journey was the day that I reached Brahmatal. The climb was super challenging, and it pushed me to my limits, but each step felt like a victory. I paused every now and then to catch my breath, and marvel at the transforming landscapes.

“You’re almost there, Kumaresh!” I would encourage myself, pushing through the exhaustion.

When I finally reached the summit, I was speechless. All the way up, I was thinking about how I would yell at the top of my voice once I reached the top. But the views over there left me spellbound, I knew that no words could ever capture their true beauty. The views were breathtaking - the majestic peaks stood tall, covered in snow, and I was lost in their beauty.

The journey to the summit was no doubt challenging, but all of the fellow trekkers were very supportive. They'd motivate me every time I'd start to slow down or take too many breaks. It was a feeling that I had not experienced before - I was on a solo trek...but I wasn't really alone.

The charm of Brahmatal felt overwhelming, and it took me a while to absorb its elegance. Strong winds blew, and the snow crunched under my feet as walked a bit more around the summit. Standing there felt like a true accomplishment, the one that you feel when you outdo yourself.

“I can’t believe I made it,” I spoke to myself.

“What’s been your favourite part about the trek so far?” a fellow trekker asked.

“Well, honestly, just being here, right in this moment,” I replied, feeling a sense of belonging to the place.

A Journey Within

I spent a long time talking to fellow trekkers about their aspirations and dreams, and I realized how travel can connect people from different walks of life. The bonds formed in such remote places felt incredibly special.

As we made our way back to Lohajung, I reflected on my adventure. The trail now felt different, almost as if somebody was playing a cassette backwards. Our group laughed and shared stories all the way, and each step echoed with joy. Even passing through the same landscapes felt magical, as my fellow trekkers had become my friends by now.

“We did this together,” was what every nod we exchanged meant.

The return from the summit instilled a weird blend of feelings in me. A part of me couldn't wait to get back to the comforts of regular life, the other part wished it could stay forever in the mountains. The lush greenery, the scenic trails, and the bonds formed made me realize that this trek was a journey of self-discovery.

In the end, the Brahmatal Trek wasn't just a trek; it was a journey across the Himalayas and a deep exploration of my soul. I came back home not just as Kumaresh the solo traveler - but as a renewed person. I first lost myself among the mountains, and then I discovered a new sense of self that I duly cherish.

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