Re-Knitting the Wool- A Thrillophilia Trip to Greece and Turkey with Simerjit

Re-Knitting the Wool- A Thrillophilia Trip to Greece and Turkey with Simerjit

This mother-daughter duo who went to Greece and Turkey last year in June reminded us of one very special quote by Agatha Christie-

A mother's love for her child is like nothing else in the world. It knows no law, no pity, it dares all things and crushes down remorselessly all that stands in its path.

They both stood on the deck of the Bosphorus River Cruise, soaking in a playful sunset that splashed a plethora of colours in the sky. Its reflection on the river water seemed surreal, making the boat appear to be gliding on a fire line, with Simerjit and her daughter leading the voyage.

They looked at each other.

“Mother, I have never really opened up to you. But talking about my life so freely at today’s lunch lifted a heavy weight off my chest. I wish we could do this more often”

Simerjit’s eyes teared up. She did not speak, her gaze drifted off to some faraway land, perhaps remembering the times unspeakable.

They were in Turkey, on their first-ever mother-daughter trip, and it was perhaps the most significant test of their bond.

To Journeys Larger Than Life

Simerjit and her daughter both were truly mesmerised by this event, and it wasn't even there on the itinerary. They just casually attended this performance after touring Hodjapasha. It was a very unique experience, exploring the Sufi culture at its best, with whirling Darvishes and real-life performances.

It was a half-day tour, so they went for a stroll down the Grand Bazaar, the oldest marketplace in the world. It was a pleasure to witness this Bazaar at its best, with lights glimmering throughout the place where various shops sold a wide range of commodities ranging from spices to handicrafts to clothes and jewellery.

If only they knew a bit of the Turkish language, perhaps they would have spent twice more as they already did on souvenirs. But the overall experience was more than worth it, it was overwhelming.

Although Simerjit’s daughter did not like shopping too much, even she could not help herself when she saw such a variety of things laid out in front of her eyes, as if luring her to pick them up and buy them right then.

The tour of Byzantine relics and the Ottoman ruins touched their hearts. The sheer beauty of the cracked walls and remnants of what was once a flourishing empire was not just haunting, but also enchanting.

Even the mosques there resembled old European castles, which was strange because at first, they did not even recognise the attrction until they went inside. And to speak of the Galata Tower, they both had a fabulous time eating ice cream and watching the Galata Tower Night Show.

They had never envisioned Turkey in such a sight, but alas, travelling does open your eyes and broaden your perspectives!

From Olives to Grapes
All the world’s a stage,
And all the men and women merely players;

…This realisation set in while they were attending a theatre show in Santorini

The Greek Wedding Show!

It was a performance full of life, laughter, and emotions. Based on a plot around a wedding, the rituals, drama, and much more. And the best part about the show was the accompanying food and wine.

Following this, they went for a walk along the cobblestone streets of Santorini, passing cosy cafes and aesthetic shops that sold olive oils and clothes, and cakes, and whatnot! The whitewashed houses of the neighbourhood, with occasional touches of indigo blue created a stunning sight, as if it was a movie set!

Anyway, their trip was nothing less than that, especially with the heartwarming cruises and meals featuring cheese, wine, and loads of tomatoes!

Not to forget the dolmas and the sweets that were quite similar to those they tried in Istanbul. Of course, the preparation and the presentation were a bit different, but how does it matter once it's down your throat!

Their Caldera Cruise touring the volcano of Santorini was one of a kind. The hot springs and the encircling rocky hills added a touch of uncertainty to the air, reflecting the life of a person, as the Greeks believed.

Simerjit and her daughter had come across a lot of such ‘sayings’, what we generally refer to as ‘proverbs’, both in Greece and Turkey. And they learnt one very valuable lesson from it, life everywhere is not the same, nor are the styles.

Willingness to learn and unlearn is the only thing that can help one survive in this world.

Down the Stream
The position of both these countries- Turkey and Greece- fascinated Simerjit. They were just lying across the Bosphorus Strait, yet, they were so strikingly different in their essence.

An unforgettable part of their charming journey was touring Athens- visiting the Delphi and the Acropolis. During the tour, they somewhat figured out a possible reason for this difference- their history.

The Mykonos island tour filled them up with incredible memories, and their phone’s memory card almost got full. To sit beside the seashore and delete the pictures meant going over the photos again, meaning- a trip down memory lane.

They both fell silent after that, perhaps feeling their own thoughts, or perhaps, thinking of the things that are never to be repeated again.

Their ferry ride from Mykonos to Santorini was the personal highlight of their trip- why?

Even we don't know that. It was something they did not share with Thrillophilia for this review, but while taking the feedback we got a feeling that something truly important must have happened on this ride.

Simerjit and her daughter grew quite close after this trip, and their gratitude to Prem’s and Jatin’s solid resolve to make this trip a success was beautiful. It is a rare trait that people are appreciated for what they do, but to see this custom still exist in the real world was a delightful feeling.

Anyway, we were happy that they were happy.

Read More: Thrillophilia Greece Reviews